ICM SB RAS Russian
Researches :: Methods of computational mathematics and technology of mathematical modelling for the solution of problems of physics, mechanics, physical chemistry
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Processes of heat transfer in conditions of microgravitation are researched


  1. Andreev V. K.
    On the stability of the thermodiffusion motions with a free surface//Abstracts of First Conference of the " International Marangoni Association «. Germany. — Justus-Liebig-University ofGiessen. — 2001. — P. 28-29.

  2. Andreev V. K., Rodionov A. A.
    Invariant solutions of microconvention equations, describing movements with the interface//Computing technologies. Novosibirsk.-2001. — V. 6. — Part 2. — Special Release. — P. 54-58.(in Russian)

  3. Rodionov A. A.
    Group analysis of a flat movement of a viscous incompressible liquid in terms «speed — vorticity»//Computing technologies. — Novosibirsk. — 2001. — V. 6. — Ч. 2. — Special Release. — P. 519–523(in Russian)

  4. Andreev V. K., Ryabitsky E. A.
    Perturbations of the Thermal Diffusion Motion of a Liquid with Free Boundary//Russ. Jour. Anal. Math. Modelling. — 2000. — Vol. 15. — _ 2. — P. 111–125.

  5. Ryabitsky E. A.
    Thermocapillar instability of a flat layer in view of Sore effect // Proceedings of RAS. MZG. — 2000. — № 3. — P. 3-9.(in Russian)

  6. Zahvataev V. E.
    Long-wave instability of a two-layer flow of dielectric liquids in a cross electrostatic field // Proceedings of RAS. MZG. — 2000. — P. 45-55.(in Russian)