ICM SB RAS Russian
Researches :: Smart, neuronetic and geoinformation technologies, distributed information systems
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Hybrid models of knowledge that allow to carry out geomodeling with elements of activization of semantic GIS information are developed. Methods of construction of static and dynamic parallel-series-alternative structures of knowledge which allow to analyze logic connections in productions system are offered. Dynamic structures of knowledge are applied for modeling the development of complex scripts and the analysis of consequences of states of emergency. Object-oriented realization of language of knowledge representation is offered. Algorithmic facilities and software are developed. The technology of construction of expert geoinformation systems is created. Approbation for problems of warning and liquidation of states of emergency is executed. A new approach to the support of organizational management on the basis of OLAP (On-Line Analytical Processing) methods is offered: the decision of administrative problems (analysis, estimation, planning) by means of designing analytical models. Approbation of the offered approach is carried out for the problems of the analysis and planning of volumes of medical aid to the population of Krasnoyarsk Region.


  1. Nozhenkova L. F.
    Application of hybrid technologies of smart support of making decisions on prevention and liquidation of states of emergency //Works of the VI-th International conference " Modern methods of mathematical modeling of natural and anthropogenous accidents " / Works of Scientific Arrangements " Nature and man-caused safety of Siberia «. Krasnoyarsk: Ed. by KSTU. — 2001. — V. 1. — P. 305–313.(in Russian)

  2. Zamay S. S., Moskvichev V. V.
    Principles of construction of information system of the environment and potentially dangerous objects monitoring // Materials of III All-Russia scientific — practical conference with the international participation " Achievements of science and technology — to the development of Siberian regions «. — Krasnoyarsk: Published by KSTU. — 2001. — V. 2. — P. 190–192.(in Russian)

  3. Nozhenkova L. F.
    Development of multilevel information-analytical system for the support of the activity of public health services of Krasnoyarsk Region // Theses of reports of international forum «Informatization of processes of public health care-2001«.-Moscow, 2001.-P. 103–104.(in Russian)

  4. Nozhenkova L. F.
    Automated support of territorial management in conditions of the assigned risk in states of emergency // Collected scientific works " Correction of the homeostasis of the organism in extreme states «. — Novosibirsk: Science. — 2000. — P. 55-67.(in Russian)

  5. Gorban A. N., Elgin B. A., Yakubailik O. E.
    Mathematical and information modeling in territorially — guided problems // Materials of the III-d All-Russia scientific — practical conference with international participation " Achievements of science and technology — to the development of Siberian regions «. — Krasnoyarsk: Published by KSTU. — 2001. — V. 2. — P. 196–198.(in Russian)

  6. Shatrovskaya E. V.
    Modeling of complex accidents on industrial objects // Works of Scientific Arrangements " Nature and man-caused safety of Siberia «. Krasnoyarsk: Published by KSTU-V. 1.-2001.-P. 282–289.(in Russian)

  7. Volokitina A. V., Nozhenkova E. Ph., Sofronov M. A., Nazimova D. I.
    Prognosis of Emergency Situations under Wildland Fires based on Vegetation Fuel Maps. — Joint Fire Science Conf. And Workshop. Crossing the Millennium: Integrating Spatial Tech. And Ecol. Principles for a New Age of Fire Management. — 2000. — Vol. 1. — P. 42-46.

  8. Belyaev B. A., Nikitina M. I., Nozhenkova L. F., Tyurnev V. V.
    Smart system for designing microstrip filters// Theory and control systems. — 2000. — ╣ 2.-P. 96–102.(in Russian)

  9. Volokitina A. V., Nozhenkova L. F., Sofronov M. A., Nazimova D. I.
    Prognosis of Emergency Situations of Vegetation Fires near settlements // Materials of the international conference " Joint problems of mechanics and ecology «. — Tomsk. — 2000. — P. 78-84.(in Russian)

  10. Volokitina A. V., Nozhenkova L. Ph., Sofronov M. A., Nazimova D. I.
    Prognosis of Emergency Situations under Wildland Fires based on Vegetation Fuel Maps. — Joint Fire Science Conf. And Workshop. Crossing the Millennium: Integrating Spatial Tech. And Ecol. Principles for a New Age of Fire Management.2000. — Vol. 1. — Р. 42-46.

  11. еляев .., Никитин М.И., Ноженков Л.»., Тюрнев В.В.
    Интеллекту льн я систем для проектиров ния микрополосковых фильтров // Теория и системы упр вления. — 2000. — № 2. — С. 96–102.

  12. Nozhenkova L. F., Shatrovskaya E. V.
    Application of structural model of knowledge for the estimation of risk of accidents on industrial objects//Reports of III All-Russia conference with the international participation " New information technologies in research of discrete structures «. — Tomsk. — 2000. — P. 157–162.(in Russian)

  13. Zamay S. S., Moskvichev V. V., Pushkarev V. A., Yakubailik O. E.
    Principles of construction of distributed information system of monitoring, analysis and forecast of the condition of the environment and potentially dangerous objects // Works of Scientific Arrangements «Nature and man-caused safety of Siberia» / Ed. by. Ya. I. Shokin, O. N. Mahutov, V. V. Moskvichev. Krasnoyarsk: Published by KSTU. — 2001. — V. 1. — P. 202–208.(in Russian)

  14. Zamay S. S., Shaidurov V. V.
    The concept of creation of information-analytical system of nature protection services of Krasnoyarsk Region // Materials of III All-Russia scientific — practical conference with the international participation " Achievements of science and technology — to the development of Siberian regions «. — Krasnoyarsk: Published by KSTU. — 2001. — V. 2. — P. 189–190.(in Russian)

  15. Ноженков Л.».
    втом тизиров нн я поддержк территори льного упр вления в условиях повышенного риск чрезвыч йных ситу ций // Сб. н уч. тр. "Коррекция гомеост з орг низм в экстрем льных состояниях". — Новосибирск: Н ук . — 2000

    . — С. 55-67.

  16. Moskvichev V. V., Nozhenkova L. F., Lepihin A. M., Shatrovskaya E. V.,
    Rodionova O. S. Development of GIS " Safety of the region " // Computing technologies. — 2000

    . — V. 5. — Special Release. — P. 37-48.(in Russian)

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