ICM SB RAS Russian
Researches :: Smart, neuronetic and geoinformation technologies, distributed information systems
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Methods and Neuro-GIS software for visualization and mapping of the data of arbitrary nature are developed. The method of automatic identification of protein — coding sites in genome is developed on the basis of Neuro-GIS methods for data visualization and mapping.


  1. Gorban A. N., Zinovyev A. J., Pitenko A. A.
    Data Visualization. Method of elastic maps // Neurocomputing. 2002. №4. P. 19-30.(in Russian)

  2. Zinovyev A. J., Pitenko A. A., Popova T. G.
    Practical application of elastic map method // Neurocomputing. 2002, №4. P 31-39.(in Russian)

  3. Gorban A. N., Zinovyev A. Yu
    . Method of Elastic Maps and its Applications in Data Visualization and Data Modeling // International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems, CHAOS. 2001. V. 12. PP. 353–369.

  4. Gorban A. N., Pitenko A. A., Zinovyev A. Y., Wunsch D. C.
    Vizualization of any data using elastic map method // Smart Engineering System Design. 2001. V.I 1, p. 363–368.

  5. Gorban A. N., Popova T. G., Sadovsky M. G., Wunsch D. C.
    Information content of the frequency dictionaries, reconstruction, transformation and classification of dictionaries and genetic texts // Smart Engineering System Design, 2001. V.I 1, p. 657–663.

  6. Gorban A. N., Zinovyev A. Yu.
    Visualization by method of elastic maps and its applications in genomics, economics and sociology//Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientiques, Preprint. — IHES, France. — M/01/36. — 2001. — 33 P.

  7. Gorban A. N., Zinovyev A. Yu., Popova T. G.
    Statistical approaches to the automated gene identification without teacher // Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientiques, Preprint. — IHES, France.-M/01/34.-2001.-38 P.

  8. Gorban A. N., Popova T. G. and Sadovsky M. G.
    Classification of Symbol Sequences over their Frequency Dictionaries: Towards the Connection Between Structure and Natural Taxonomy // Open Sys. and Information Dyn. #7, 2000. pp. 1-17.

  9. Zinovyev A. J., Pitenko A. A.
    Data visualization by means of elastic map method // Information technologies. Published by «Mechanical engineering». — M. — 2000. № 6, -P. 26-35.(in Russian)

  10. Zinovyev A. J.
    Multivariate data visualization. Monography. Published by KSTU. Krasnoyarsk, 2000. 168p.(in Russian)

  11. Pitenko A. A.
    All and all data mapping // INTERKARTO-5: Reports of the international conference, part 1. — Yakutsk: YaSU. — 1999. — P 71-78.(in Russian)