List of publications of I. V. Karlin available on Web-site of ICM SB RAS
Karlin I. V., Grmela M., Gorban A. N. Duality in nonextensive statistical mechanics//The American Physical Society2002. -Vol. 65, 036128 -P.65
A. N. Gorban, I. V. Karlin Macroscopic dynamics through coarse-graining: A solvable example//Physical review 2002. -Vol. 65, 026116. -P.65
A. N. Gorban, I. V. Karlin, Geometry of irreversibility// in: { Recent Developments in Mathematical and Experimental Physics, Volume C: Hydrodynamics and Dynamical Systems}, Ed. F. Uribe (Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2002), pp. 19-43.
Gorban A. N., Karlin I. V., Ottinger H. C. Tatarinova L. L. Ehrenfest's argument extended to a formalism of nonequilibrium thermodynamics//PHYSICAL REVIEW,2001. Vol. 63, 066124, P.1-6.
Gorban A. N., Karlin I. V. Methods of nonlinear kinetics.Contribution to the «Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems» (EOLSS Publishers, Oxford).2001
Zmievskii V. B., Karlin I. V., Deville M. The Universal Limit in Dynamics of Dilute Polymeric Solutions // Physica A. — 2000. — V. 275. — N 1-2. — P. 152–177.
A. N. Gorban, I. V. Karlin, V. B. Zmievskiic, S. V. Dymovad Reduced description in the reaction kinetics//Physica2000. -P.361
I. V. KarlinA. N. GorbanS. SucciV. Boffi Maximum Entropy Principle for Lattice Kinetic Equations//Physical review letters1998.- Vol. 81. -P.6-9
I. V. KarlinA. N. GorbanDukek G., Nonnenmacher T. F. Dynamic correction to moment approximations//Physical review 1998. -Vol. 57. -P.1668–1672.
Gorban A. N.,, Karlin I. V. Scattering rates versus moments: Alternative Grad equations // Phys. Rev. E, 1996, 54(4), R3109.
Gorban A. N.,, Karlin I. V. Short-Wave Limit of Hydrodynamics: A Soluble Example // Phys. Rev. Lett., 1996. — V. 77. — ¦ 2. — P. 282–285.
Gorban A. N., Karlin I. V.; Nonnenmacher T. F., Zmievskii V. B. Relaxation Trajectories: Global approximation.Physica A, 1996, 231, P.648–672.