ICM SB RAS | Russian |
List of employees in alphabetical order |
Ekaterina Kirik |
Last (Family) Name | KIRIK |
First Name | EKATERINA |
Second Name | SERGEY |
Citizenship | Russia |
Date of birth | 1976, February 20 |
Place of birth | Russia, Novosibirsk |
Marital status | Married, three children |
Address | Akademgorodok, 18d-36, Krasnoyarsk, Russia, 660036 |
Tel | +7 391 243 27 56, +7 391 290 79 80, +7 902 992 1689 |
Fax | +7 391 290 74 76 |
Write e-mail | |
URL | http://crowd.krasn.ru |
19 | student, Krasnoyarsk State University (applied mathematics); |
1997 | bachelor degree in applied mathematics; |
1999 | master degree in applied mathematics; |
19 | postgraduate student, Institute of Computational Modelling Siberian branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Krasnoyarsk; |
2002 | candidate of physics and mathematics (informatics), Krasnoyarsk State Technical University (Ph. D. Thesis: Modelling and optimisation of nonparametric estimates after observations containing outliers. Thesis Supervisors: Prof., Accos. memb. of RAS Vladimir V. Shaidurov, Prof. Alexander V. Medvedev). |
Since 2007 | teacher (assist. professor) of Siberian Federal University, Department of Mechanics and Control Theory (part time); |
20 | teacher of Krasnoyarsk State University, Department of Mechanics and Control Theory (part time); |
Since 2002 | scientific researcher, Institute of Computational Modelling Siberian branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (ICM SB RAS), Krasnoyrsk (full time). |
20 | member of Scientific Committee of Research Center CSAI — Complex Systems & Artificial Intelligence (Italy, University Milano-Biccoca); |
2004 | grant of DAAD on identification and classification of voltage drop in a fuel cell stack (Germany, Fachhochschule Ulm Hochschule fuer Technik); |
20 | project with Krasnoyarsk Aluminium Smelt on adaptation of a mathematical model of the electrolysis process (Russia); |
20 | grant of the Krasnoayrsk Regional Scientific Foundation on Development of nonparametric methods for static and dynamical processes (Russia). |
Pedestrian behaviour modelling, statistical modelling, data analysis, data mining, robust estimating, pattern recognition, nonparametric statistic. | |
CONFERENCES (selected) | |
Computer Data Analysis and Modeling (CDAM), Minsk (Belarus),1998; | |
Computer Data Analysis and Modeling (CDAM), Minsk (Belarus), 2001; | |
Automation, Control, and Information Technology, Novosibirsk (Russia), 2002; | |
24th European meeting of statisticians, Prague (Czech Republic), 2002; | |
The Barcelona Conference on Asymptotic Statistics, Barcelona (Spain), 2003; | |
System Identification and Control Problem, Moscow (Russia), 2004; | |
Mathematical Foundations of Learning Theory, Barcelona (Spain), 2004; | |
Automation, Control, and Information Technology, Novosibirsk (Russia), 2005; | |
The Summer Computer Simulation Conference, San Diego (USA), 2007; | |
European Conference on Complex System, Dresden (Germany), 2007; | |
Pedestrian and evacuation dynamics — PED'08, Wuppertal (Germany), 2008; | |
WS on Complex Collective Systems, Wroclaw (Poland), 2009. | |
PUBLICATIONS (selected) | |
Of nonstationary nonparametric algorithm of pattern recognition // Proceedings of the International conference «CDAM». — Minsk: BSU. — Vol. 1. — 1998. — P. 1 | |
Nonparametric approach to the restoration of the direct separation surface restoration in the pattern recognition task // Young scientist journal. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. — No. 4. — 2000. — P. 73-82. (Rus.) | |
Modelling and optimization of robust function estimates // Computational Technologies. — Vol. 6, No. 2, Special issue. — 2001. — P. 3 | |
On nonparametric identification of ambiguous functions in the task of stochastic modelling // Proceedings of A. Lyapunov's conference. — Novosibirsk: IM SB RAS. — 2001. — P. 2 | |
On nonparametrical approach to the robust regression estimation // Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference «Automation, Control, and Information Technology», ACTA Press. Anaheim. Calgary-Zurich. — 2002. — P. 2 | |
On nonparametrical approach to the modeling robust regression estimate // Proceedings of the III International conference «System Identification and Control Problem», Moscow, Institute of Control Science. — 2004. — P. 8 | |
Taking into account initial conditions in nonparametric non-linear identification problem using linearization // Proc. of the III Int. conference «System Identification and Control Problem», Moscow, Institute of Control Science. — 2004. — P. 8 | |
On object classification using realization of their characteristic along previous period // Journal of Krasnoyarsk State University. — 2004, 3. — P. 72-78. (Rus.) | |
One approach for identification and classification of voltage drops in a fuel cell stack // Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference «Automation, Control, and Information Technology», ACTA Press. Anaheim. Calgary-Zurich. — 2005. — P. 2 | |
Numerical method of identification of voltage drop in a fuel cell stack // Optoelectronics, Instrumentation and Data Processing. — 2006, 2. — P. 80-89. | |
The iteration method of data censoring in the regression estimation problem //Automation and Remote Control. — 2007, Vol. 68, No.4. — P. 6 | |
An intelligent floor field cellular automation model for pedestrian dynamics // Proceedings of The Summer Computer Simulation Conference 2007, The Mission Valley Marriott San Diego, California (2007). P. 10 | |
On discrete people movement model with environment analysis // Journal of Siberian Federal University, Mathematics and Physics. — 2008, Vol. 1, N 3.- P. 2 | |
The Shortest Time and/or the Shortest Path Strategies in a CA FF Pedestrian Dynamics Model // Journal of Siberian Federal University, Mathematics and Physics. — 2009, Vol. 2, N 3. — P. 2 | |
2009 | diploma of Krasnoyarsk regional innovative exhibition «Krasnoyarsk. Future technologies»; |
2006 | diploma of ICM SB RAS; |
2005 | diploma of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences; |
2002 | Krasnoyarsk Region Governor Award for young scientists; |
Russian, English. | |
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