ICM SB RAS Russian
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Laboratory of Smart Information Systems, Institute of Computational Modelling SB RAS, Krasnoyarsk. Phone: +7 3912 49–48–34, Fax: +7 3912 43–27–56, e-mail

StatExpress — The system of the return and statistical data collection and analysis

Purpose of the system

The automated data collection and creation of the accounts on the population health and public health resources

Basic functions

  • Creation of patterns of arbitrary account forms
  • Export / import of account form patterns
  • Data input and tabulation
  • Creation and exercising of the correctness control of the entry
  • Export / import of the return
  • Creation of summary accounts on the account forms, registered in the system
  • Account of the basic parameters of medical establishments activity
  • OLAP-analysis of the return
  • Creation of patterns of account form copies
  • Export of the return into the format of Ministry of Health

Basic directories of the system

  • Directory of medical establishments types
  • Directory of medical establishments
  • Directory of addresses

Information populating of the system

The forms of state statistical accounts of medical establishments №№ 7-70 that include the sickness rate of the population, the parameters of the network, the staff and activity of public health establishments authorized by the decision of Russian State Committee of Statistics №76 of 04.09.2000.


The system is developed by the order of Public Health Department attached to Administration of Krasnoyarsk Region and Krasnoyarsk Regional Fund of Obligatory Medical Insurance (OMI). The system is in operation testing in Krasnoyarsk Regional Information and Analytical Centre and in Krasnoyarsk Regional OMI Fund.


Creation of information and analytical systems for the support of administrative decision making

Potential consumers

  • Various Health and OMI system authorities
  • Various authorities of other branches

Operating systems

MS Windows 9x/2000/XP

Software platform

  • Delphi5
  • FastReport ver.2.45

Technical requirements

IBM-compatible personal computers of a Pentium II class

Laboratory of Smart Information Systems, Institute of Computational Modelling SB RAS, Krasnoyarsk. Phone: +7 3912 49–48–34, Fax: +7 3912 43–27–56, e-mail