ICM SB RAS Russian
Researches :: Methods of computational mathematics and technology of mathematical modelling for the solution of problems of physics, mechanics, physical chemistry
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Methods of invariant variety for modeling strongly nonequilibrium systems, Chapman-Enskog methods of summation of decomposition and the theory of generalized modeling equations are made up.


  1. Karlin I. V.
    On the relaxation of speed of chemical reaction in gas mixtures// «Mathematical problems of chemical kinetics»// Ed. by K. I. Zamaraev and G. S. Yablonsky, Novosibirsk: Science, 1989. P 7-42.(in Russian)

  2. Gorban A. N., Karlin I. V.
    Quasi-equilibrium approximations and non-standard decomposition in the theory of kinetic Boltzmann equation //Mathematical modelling in biology and chemistry (new approaches) / Ed. by R. G. Hlebopros, Novosibirsk: Science, 1991. P. 69–117.(in Russian)

  3. Gorban A. N., Karlin I. V.
    Structure and Approximations of the Chapman-Enskog Expansion for Linearized Grad Equations // ZETP, 1991. V. 100, _№4 ( 10 ). P. 1153–1161.(in Russian)

  4. Gorban A. N., Karlin I. V.
    Thermodynamic Parameterization//Physica A, 1992. V. 190. PP. 393–404.

  5. Gorban A. N., Karlin I. V.
    Structure and Approximations of the Chapman-Enskog Expansion for Linearized Grad Equations//Transport Theory and Stat. Phys., 1992. V.21, № 1&2. P. 101–117.

  6. Karlin I. V.
    Simplest Nonlinear Regularization//Transport Theory and Statistical Physics, 1992. V.21. PP. 291–293.

  7. Gorban A. N., Karlin I. V.
    Method of Invariant Manifolds and Regularization of Acoustic Spectra//Transport Theory and Stat. Phys., 1994. V.23, No.5. PP.559–632.

  8. Gorban A. N., Karlin I. V.
    General approach to constructing models of the Boltzmann equation//Physica A, 1994. V. 206, PP. 401–420.

  9. Karlin I. V., Gorban A. N., Dukek G. and Nonnenmacher T. F.
    Dynamic correction to moment approximations//Phys. Rev. E. 1998. V. 57, PP. 1668–1672.

  10. Gorban A. N., Karlin I. V., Zmievskii V. B. and Dymova S. V.
    Reduced description in reaction kinetics//Physica A. 2000. V. 275 ( 3-4 ), PP. 361–379.

  11. Gorban A. N., Karlin I. V., Zmievskii V. B.
    Two-step approximation of space " independent relaxation//Transp. Theory Stat. Phys. 1999. V 28 ( 3 ), PP. 271–296

  12. txt&zip  Zmievskii V. A., Karlin I. V. and Deville M.
    The universal limit in dynamics of dilute polymeric solutions//Physica A. 2000. V 275 ( 1-2 ), PP. 152–177.

  13. Gorban A. N., Karlin I. V., Ilg P. and Ottinger H. C.
    Corrections and enhancements of quasi-equilibrium states//J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech.-2001. — V. 96. ( 1-2 ) — P. 203–219.