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Отчет ИВМ СО РАН за 2021 год

Список публикаций

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Публикации Scopus (47)

  1. Rogalev A. N. Regularization of inclusions of differential equations solutions based on the kinematics of a vector field in stability problems // J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. — 2021. — Vol.2099. — Art.12045. DOI 10.1088/1742–6596/2099/1/012045
  2. Rogalev A. N. Set of solutions of ordinary differential equations in stability problems // Continuum Mechanics, Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing: Godunov's Legacy: A Liber Amicorum to Professor Godunov. — 2020. — P.307–312. DOI 10.1007/978-3-030–38870-6_40 [ссылка]
  3. Olga S. Volodko, Lidiya A. Kompaniets, Lyudmila V. Gavrilova Spatial-temporal analysis of temperature in Lake Shira based on long-term observations // Proceedings of the All-Russian Conference With International Participation «Spatial Data Processing for Monitoring of Natural and Anthropogenic Processes» (SDM-2021). — 2021. — Vol.3006. — P.567–574. DOI 10.25743/SDM.2021.81.17.068 [ссылка]
  4. Maria Yu. Senashova Unusual Distribution Structure of the Cyanobacteria Photosystem Genes in the Frequency Space of Triplets // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. SibDATA 2021: The 2nd Siberian Scientific Workshop on Data Analysis Technologies with Applications 2021, June 25, 2021, Krasnoyarsk, Russia. — 2021. — Vol.3047. — P.121–125. DOI 10.47813/sibdata-2-2021-18 [ссылка]
  5. Maria Yu. Senashova Spatial Structure of Chloroplast Genes of Photosynthetic Systems I and II // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. SibDATA 2021: The 2nd Siberian Scientific Workshop on Data Analysis Technologies with Applications 2021, June 25, 2021, Krasnoyarsk, Russia. — 2021. — Vol.3047. — P.115–120. DOI 10.47813/sibdata-2-2021-17 [ссылка]
  6. Anna Molyavko, Evgenia Karepova, Mikhail Sadovsky, Igor Borovikov, Olga Mutovina Comparison of search efficiency in symbol sequences with mismatches between alignment and Shaidurov's method // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. SibDATA 2021: The 2nd Siberian Scientific Workshop on Data Analysis Technologies with Applications 2021, June 25, 2021, Krasnoyarsk, Russia. — 2021. — Vol.3047. — P.93-97. DOI 10.47813/sibdata-2-2021-13 [ссылка]
  7. Kirik E., Vitova T., Malyshev A. Time Discretization in Pedestrian Dynamics Simulations by Discrete-Continuous Model // Lecture Notes in Computer Science. — 2021. — Vol.12599. — P.188–197. DOI 10.1007/978-3-030–69480-7_19 [ссылка]
  8. Dmitry Kononov, Sergey Isaev Analysis of the Dynamics of Internet Threats for Corporate Network Web Services // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. SibDATA 2021: The 2nd Siberian Scientific Workshop on Data Analysis Technologies with Applications 2021, June 25, 2021, Krasnoyarsk, Russia. — 2021. — Vol.3047. — P.71-78. DOI 10.47813/sibdata-2-2021-10 [ссылка]
  9. Mironov V., Simonov K., Zotin A., Kurako M. Combined approach to modeling of acceleration response spectra in areas of active shallow seismicity // Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. — 2021. — Vol.238. — P.161–171. DOI 10.1007/978-981–16–2765-1_13 [ссылка]
  10. Zotin A., Kents A., Smonov K., Hamad Yu. Methods of interpretation of CT images with COVID-19 for the formation of feature atlas and assessment of pathological changes in the lungs // Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. — 2021. — Vol.238. — P.173–183. DOI 10.1007/978-981–16–2765-1_14 [ссылка]
  11. Kabaev E. M., Hamad Yu. A., Simonov K. V., Zotin A. G. Methods of interpretation of data from isokinetic tests and MRI studies during rehabilitation of patients after reconstructive shoulder joint surgery // International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences — ISPRS Archives. — 2021. — Vol.54, Iss.2/W1. — P.91-97. DOI 10.5194/isprs-archives-XLIV-2-W1-2021–91–2021 [ссылка]
  12. Kents A. S., Hamad Yu. A., Simonov K. V., Zotin A. G. Methods and models for texture analysis of lung pathological changes based on computed tomography for COVID-19 diagnosis // International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences — ISPRS Archives. — 2021. — Vol.54, Iss.2/W1. — P.99–105. DOI 10.5194/isprs-archives-XLIV-2-W1-2021–99–2021 [ссылка]
  13. Kobalinskiy M. V., Simonov K. V., Kuimov V. V., Kirillova S. V. Environmental aspects of the integrated development of forest ecosystems: Zoning and visualization of multidimensional data // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. — 2021. — Vol.848, Iss.1. — Art.12131. DOI 10.1088/1755–1315/848/1/012131 [ссылка]
  14. Mironov V. A., Peretokin S. A., Simonov K. V. Strong motion record processing of the Baikal rift zone // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2021. — Vol.3006. — P.296–302. [ссылка]
  15. Kuimov V., Simonov K., Shcherbenko E., Yushkova L. Business ecosystems of the region: Transition to networking and sustainable development principles // European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences. — 2021. — Vol.116. — P.1781–1792. DOI 10.15405/epsbs.2021.09.02.199 [ссылка]
  16. Goncharova O. N., Bekezhanova V. B. Modeling of the Two-Layer Flows With Inhomogeneous Type of Evaporation at the Interface // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2021. — Vol.2928. — Art.5. [ссылка]
  17. Bekezhanova V. B., Goncharova O. N. Dynamics of the Two-Phase System in a Confined Plane Area Under Local Thermal Load // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2021. — Vol.2928. — Art.9. [ссылка]
  18. Erkaev N. V., Semenov V. S. About Petschek-type reconnection driven by inhomogeneous plasma resistivity // Problem of Geocosmos-2020: Proceedings of the XIII International Conference and School. — 2021 (in print).
  19. Denisenko V. V., Nesterov S. A. The influence of the magnetic field on the quasistationary electric field penetration from the ground to the ionosphere // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2021. — Art.12020. DOI 10.1088/1742–6596/1715/1/012020 [ссылка]
  20. Denisenko V. V. Statements of the boundary value problems in mathematical simulation of a quasistationary electric field in the atmosphere and ionosphere // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2021. — Art.12016. DOI 10.1088/1742–6596/1715/1/012016 [ссылка]
  21. Isaeva O. S. Technology of spacecraft on-board equipment design support // IOP Conf. Ser: Materials Science and Engineering. — 2021. — Vol.1047, Iss.1. — Art.12115. DOI 10.1088/1757–899X/1047/1/012115 [ссылка]
  22. Olga Isaeva, Nikita Kulyasov, Sergey Isaev Implementation of Digital Twins for the Analysis of Test Programs of Technical Systems // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. SibDATA 2021: The 2nd Siberian Scientific Workshop on Data Analysis Technologies with Applications 2021, June 25, 2021, Krasnoyarsk, Russia. — 2021. — Vol.3047. — P.57-63. DOI 10.47813/sibdata-2-2021-8 [ссылка]
  23. Olga Isaeva, Nikita Kulyasov, Sergey Isaev Creation of a Simulation Stand for Studying of the Internet of Things' Technologies // AIP Conference Proceedings. — 2021 (in print).
  24. Penkova T., Metus A., Nozhenkova L., Morozov R. Method of integral estimation of the life quality for municipal territories in the context of national projects implementation // Studies in Systems, Decision and Control. — 2021. — Iss.210 (in print).
  25. Anna V. Korobko, Anna M. Metus, Dmitry Ogurtsov, Tatiana Penkova, Iliya Puzanov, Andrey Zavadyak Application of Association Rule Mining to Detect «Spike» Disruptions in Aluminum Production // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. SibDATA 2021: The 2nd Siberian Scientific Workshop on Data Analysis Technologies with Applications 2021, June 25, 2021, Krasnoyarsk, Russia. — 2021. — Vol.3047. — P.10-16. DOI 10.47813/sibdata-2-2021-2 [ссылка]
  26. Anton Mikhalev, Nina Lugovaya, Tatiana Penkova, Iliya Puzanov, Andrey Zavadyak Application of Ensemble Algorithms to Detect Anode Effects in Aluminum Production // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. SibDATA 2021: The 2nd Siberian Scientific Workshop on Data Analysis Technologies with Applications 2021, June 25, 2021, Krasnoyarsk, Russia. — 2021. — Vol.3047. — P.79-85. DOI 10.47813/sibdata-2-2021-11 [ссылка]
  27. Ludmila Nozhenkova, Tatiana Penkova, Roman Morozov, Alexandr Nozhenkov Conception of Life Quality Estimation of the Municipal Territories in the Context of National Project Implementation // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. SibDATA 2021: The 2nd Siberian Scientific Workshop on Data Analysis Technologies with Applications 2021, June 25, 2021, Krasnoyarsk, Russia. — 2021. — Vol.3047. — P.98–103. DOI 10.47813/sibdata-2-2021-14 [ссылка]
  28. A. V. Kalach, E. Z. Arifullin, V. V. Nicheporchuk, E. V. Kalach and A. V. Oblienko Support technologies for management of the land flood protection // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2021. — Vol.1902. — Art.12072. DOI 10.1088/1742–6596/1902/1/012072 [ссылка]
  29. Ulyana Postnikova, Valery Nicheporchuk and Olga Taseiko Design, implementation and application of an intelligent system for territorial risks assessment // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2021. — Vol.3006. — P.533–540. [ссылка]
  30. Evgeniy Materov, Valery Nicheporchuk Using Tools of Intellectual Analysis In Area Safety Management // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. SibDATA 2021: The 2nd Siberian Scientific Workshop on Data Analysis Technologies with Applications 2021, June 25, 2021, Krasnoyarsk, Russia. — 2021. — Vol.3047. — P.86-92. DOI 10.47813/sibdata-2-2021-12 [ссылка]
  31. Lapko A. V., Lapko V. A., Yuronen E. A. Kernel Pattern Recognition Algorithm in the Task of Testing the Hypothesis of Distribution of Multidimensional Random Quantities // 2020 International Multi-Conference on Industrial Engineering and Modern Technologies (FarEastCon-2020). — 2021. — P.1-5. DOI 10.1109/FarEastCon50210.2020.9271358 [ссылка]
  32. Anna V. Korobko, Aleksey A. Korobko, Aleksey V. Markovin Creating catalogues of clothes images using neural networks // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. SibDATA 2021: The 2nd Siberian Scientific Workshop on Data Analysis Technologies with Applications 2021, June 25, 2021, Krasnoyarsk, Russia. — 2021. — Vol.3047. — P.1-9. DOI 10.47813/sibdata-2-2021-1 [ссылка]
  33. Pokhabov D. V., Pokhabov D. D., Abramov V. G., Tunik M. E., Tutsenko K. O., Khoroshavina A. A., Sadovsky M. G. A New Approach to the Differential Diagnosis of Patients with Parkinson's Disease and Essential Tremor // Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology. — 2021. — Vol.51, Iss.8. — P.1059–1065. DOI 10.1007/s11055–021-01165-4 [ссылка]
  34. Mikhail Sadovsky, Dmitry Dokuchaev Comparative Analysis of the Tsarev Combined Algorithm — Abstract // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. SibDATA 2021: The 2nd Siberian Scientific Workshop on Data Analysis Technologies with Applications 2021, June 25, 2021, Krasnoyarsk, Russia. — 2021. — Vol.3047. — P.104–106. DOI 10.47813/sibdata-2-2021-15 [ссылка]
  35. Vladislav Abramov, Anna Alekhina, Mikhail Dorrer, Maria Tunik, Xenia Tutsenko, Alina Khoroshavina, Michael Sadovsky Application of convolution neural networks of the DeepLabv3 architecture for preprocessing of magnetic resonance imaging for the differential diagnosis of Parkinson's disease and essential tremors // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. SibDATA 2021: The 2nd Siberian Scientific Workshop on Data Analysis Technologies with Applications 2021, June 25, 2021, Krasnoyarsk, Russia. — 2021. — Vol.3047. — P.107–114. DOI 10.47813/sibdata-2-2021-16 [ссылка]
  36. M. G. Erunova, M. G. Sadovsky Clustering of small watersheds over annual precipitation data reveals sounding correspondence to the cluster pattern determined by annual temperature course // IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science. — 2021. — Vol.677, Iss.3. — Art.032107. DOI 10.1088/1755–1315/677/3/032107 [ссылка]
  37. Kuimov V., Simonov K., Shcherbenko E., Yushkova L. Business ecosystems of the region: transition to networking and sustainable development principles // II International Conference on Economic and Social Trends for Sustainability of Modern Society (ICEST 2021). European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (EpSBS). — 2021. — Vol.116. — P.1-13. DOI 10.15405/epsbs.2021.xx.xxxx [ссылка]
  38. Valentine B. Kashkin, Roman V. Odintsov, Konstantin V. Simonov, Tatyana V. Rubleva, and Aleksey A. Kabanov Atmospheric precursors to Baikal earthquakes // Proc. SPIE. 27th International Symposium on Atmospheric and Ocean O ptics, Atmospheric Physics. — 2021. — Vol.11916. — P.1740–1743. DOI 10.1117/12.2603444
  39. Valentin Kashkin, Tatyana Rubleva аnd Konstantin Simonov Analysis of GRACE Satellite Data in Terms of Geomonitoring of Strong Underwater Earthquakes // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. SibDATA 2021: The 2nd Siberian Scientific Workshop on Data Analysis Technologies with Applications 2021, June 25, 2021, Krasnoyarsk, Russia. — 2021. — Vol.3047. — P.64-70. DOI 10.47813/sibdata-2-2021-9 [ссылка]
  40. Mironov V. A., Peretokin S. A. and Simonov K. V. Earthquake record processing algorithms to form a strong motion database // International Conference «Marchuk Scientific Readings 2021» (MSR-2021). Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2021. — Vol.2099, Iss.1. — Art.12060. DOI 10.1088/1742–6596/2099/1/012060
  41. T. Rubleva, K. Simonov, V. Kashkin, A. Malkanova, R. Odintsov. Refinement of parameters gravitational anomaly relative to the focal zone of the 2011 earthquake (Japan) based on satellite data // Regional Problems of Earth Remote Sensing (RPERS 2021). E3S Web of Conferences. — 2021. — Vol.333. — Art.2011. DOI 10.1051/e3sconf/202133302011
  42. V. Kashkin, T. Rubleva, K. Simonov, A. Zabrodin, A. Kabanov. Variations of the total electronic concentration in the ionosphere in seismically active region // Regional Problems of Earth Remote Sensing (RPERS 2021). E3S Web of Conferences. — 2021. — Vol.333. — Art.2012. DOI 10.1051/e3sconf/202133302012
  43. Москвичев В. В., Ничепорчук В. В., Потапов В. П., Тасейко О. В. Цифровой паспорт безопасности территорий промышленных агломераций и регионов // Вычислительные технологии. — 2021. — Т.26, Вып.6. — C.110–132. DOI 10.25743/ICT.2021.26.6.008 [ссылка]
  44. Erunova M. G., Gosteva A. A. Use of high-resolution images in local area management tasks // InterCarto, InterGIS. — 2021. — Vol.27, Iss.1. — P.263–276. DOI 10.35595/2414–9179-2021-1–27–263-276 [ссылка]
  45. Kadochnikov A. A. Development of data collection system for monitoring the atmospheric air state in Krasnoyarsk region // InterCarto, InterGIS. — 2021. — Vol.27, Iss.2. — P.205–217. DOI 10.35595/2414–9179-2021-2–27–205-217 [ссылка]
  46. Dergunov A., Yakubailik O. Influence of temperature inversions on air pollution in Krasnoyarsk // E3S Web of Conferences. — 2021. — Vol.333. — Art.02002. DOI 10.1051/e3sconf/202133302002 [ссылка]
  47. Krasnoshchekov K., Yakubailik O. Application of remote sensing data to assess environmental situation in Krasnoyarsk // E3S Web of Conferences. — 2021. — Vol.333. — Art.02004. DOI 10.1051/e3sconf/202133302004 [ссылка]
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