Department of Computational Mathematics List of pulications for 2020 year (50) - A. V. Vyatkin, E. V. Kuchunova, M. V. Yakubovich, E. A. Efimov Combination of Semi-Lagrangian Approach and Finite Element Method for Navier-Stokes Equations // AIP Conference Proceedings. — 2020. — Vol.2293. — Art. 420057. DOI 10.1063/5.0026942
- Belolipetskii V. M., Genova S. N. On Application of Prandtl-Obukhov Formula in the Numerical Model of the Turbulent Layer Depth Dynamics // Journal of Siberian Federal University. Mathematics & Physics. — 2020. — Vol.13, № 1. — P. 37-47. DOI 10.17516/1997–1397-2020-13-1–37–47
- Gileva L., Shaidurov V., Efremov A. The Numerical Method for Solving the Problem of Pricing the American Put-option // AIP Conference Proceedings. — 2020. — Vol.2302, № 1. — Art. 110002. DOI 10.1063/5.0033522
- Karepova E. D., Adaev I. R., Shan'ko Yu.V. Accuracy of Symmetric Multi-Step Methods for the Numerical Modelling of Satellite Motion // Journal of Siberian Federal University. Mathematics & Physics. — 2020. — Vol.13, № 6. — P. 781–791. DOI 10.17516/1997–1397-2020-13-6-781–791
- E. Karepova, Yu. Shan'ko, V. Derevyanko, D. Nesterov The Determination of Heat Dissipation Power of the Components of an Electronic Unit from the Readings of the Built-in Temperature Sensor System // AIP Conference Proceedings. — 2020. — Vol.2302, № 1. — Art. 120007. DOI 10.1063/5.0033665
- Molyavko A., Shaidurov V., Karepova E., Sadovsky M. Highly Parallel Convolution Method to Compare DNA Sequences with Enforced In. Del and Mutation Tolerance // Lecture Notes in Computer Science. — 2020. — Vol.12108. — P. 472–481. DOI 10.1007/978-3-030–45385-5_42
- Корниенко В. С., Шайдуров В. В., Карепова Е. Д. Конечно-разностный аналог задачи равновесия «среднего поля» // Вычислительные технологии. — 2020. — Vol.25, № 4. — P. 31-44. DOI 10.25743/ICT.2020.25.4.004
- Anna Molyavko, Evgenia Karepova, Mikhail Sadovsky, Vladimir Shaidurov, Igor Borovikov Convolution and Fast Fourier Transform to Compare Symbol Sequences // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2020. — Vol.2727. — P. 108–114.
- Anna Andrianova, Evgeniya Karepova Biometric Data Analysis for Identifying Features of the Structural and Spatial Organization of Hydrobiological Communities // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2020. — Vol.2727. — P. 1-7.
- Andrianova A., Karepova E. Biometric data analysis for identifying features of the structural and spatial organization of hydrobiological communities // CEUR Workshop Proceedings: Workshop Proceedings of Data Analysis Technologies with Applications (SibDATA-2020). — 2020. — Vol.2727. — P. 1-7.
- Zakhvataev V. E., Kompaniets L. A. Delocalization of Longitudinal Acoustic-like Excitations in DNA Due to Structural Effects // JETP Letters. — 2020. — Vol.112, № 7. — P. 444–451. DOI 10.1134/S0021364020190030 [Q3]
- N. V. Erkaev, M. Scherf, S. E. Thaller, H. Lammer, A. V. Mezentsev, V. A. Ivanov, and K. E. Mandt Escape and evolution of Titan's N2 atmosphere constrained by 14N/15N isotope ratios // MNRAS. — 2020. — Vol.500, № 2. — P. 2020–2035. DOI 10.1093/mnras/staa3151 [Q1]
- Shaydurov V., Zhang S., Kornienko V. Approximations of two-dimensional Mean Field Games with nonsymmetric controls // Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. — 2020. — Vol.367. — Art. 112461. DOI 10.1016/j.cam.2019.112461 [Q1]
- V. Shaydurov, V. Kornienko, S. Zhang The Euler-Lagrange Approximation of the Mean Field Game for the Planning Problem // Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. — 2020. — Vol.41, № 12. — P. 2703–2714. DOI 10.1134/S1995080220120380
- Victoria S. Kornienko, Vladimir V. Shaydurov A finite-difference solution of Mean Field problem with a predefined control resource // AIP Conference Proceedings. — 2020. — Vol.2302, № 1. — Art. 110004. DOI 10.1063/5.0033646
- Vladimir Shaydurov, Shuhua Zhang, Victoria Kornienko A finite-difference solution of Mean Field problem with the fractional derivative for subdiffusion // AIP Conference Proceedings. — 2020. — Vol.2302, № 1. — Art. 020001. DOI 10.1063/5.0033606
- Levykin A. I., Novikov A. E., Novikov E. A. Schemes of (m, k)-Type for Solving Differential-Algebraic and Stiff Systems // Numerical Analysis and Applications. — 2020. — Vol.13. — P. 34-44. DOI 10.1134/S1995423920010036
- Левыкин А. И., Новиков А. Е., Новиков Е. А. (m, k)-схемы решения дифференциально-алгебраических и жестких систем // Сибирский Журнал Вычислительной Математики. — 2020. — Вып.23, № 1. — C. 39-51. DOI 10.15372/SJNM20200103
- M. Sadovsky, M. Senashova, A. Malyshev Amazing symmetrical clustering in chloroplast genomes // BMC Bioinformatics. — 2020. — Vol.21, № 2. — P. 1-14. DOI 10.1186/s12859–020-3350-z [Q1]
- M. Yu. Senashova, I. K. Gorban, M. Sadovsky Towards the structuredness of non-coding regions of chloroplast genomes // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2020. — Vol.1679. — Art. 42004. DOI 10.1088/1742–6596/1679/4/042004
- Gustov V. S., Senashova M. Yu., Sadovskii M. Variation of a Structure of Cyanobacteria Genomes with the Length of the Sliding Window // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2020. — Vol.2727. — P. 8-15.
- Kosarev R. E., Senashova M. Yu., Sadovskii M. Intrinsic Structuredness of Mitochondria Genomes // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2020. — Vol.2727. — P. 66-74.
- Tatiana Penkova, Maria Senashova, Aleksey Korobko Multidimensional Analysis of Aluminum Production Monitoring Data in Basic Operation Modes // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2020. — Vol.2727. — P. 128–136.
- Penkova T., Senashova M., Korobko A. Multidimensional analysis of aluminum production monitoring data in basic operation modes // CEUR Workshop Proceedings: Workshop Proceedings of Data Analysis Technologies with Applications (SibDATA-2020). — 2020. — Vol.2727. — P. 128–136.
- Rogalev A. N., Rogalev A. A. Estimates of the accuracy of numerical solutions using regularization // Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1441 (2020) 012165 IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1742–6596/1441/1/012165 . — 2020. — Vol.1441. — Art. 12165. DOI 10.1088/1742–6596/1441/1/012165»
- Rogalev A. N., Rogalev A. A., Feodorova N. A. Malfunction analysis and safety of mathematical models of technical systems // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2020. — Vol.1515. — Art. 22064. DOI 10.1088/1742–6596/1515/2/022064
- Rogalev A. N. Set of solutions of ordinary differential equations in stability problems // Continuum Mechanics, Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing: Godunov's Legacy: A Liber Amicorum to Professor Godunov. — 2020. — P.307–312. DOI 10.1007/978-3-030–38870-6_40 [link]
- V. V. Shaydurov, A. A. Korneeva, E. A. Chzhan Multichannel measuring device with two switches // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2020. — Vol.1679. — Art. 42064. DOI 10.1088/1742–6596/1679/4/042064
- Y. A. Putintseva, E. I. Bondar, E. P. Simonov, V. V. Sharov, N. V. Oreshkova, D. A. Kuzmin, Y. M. Konstantinov, V. N. Shmakov, V. I. Belkov, M. G. Sadovsky, O. Keech and K. V. Krutovsky Siberian larch (Larix sibirica Ledeb.) mitochondrial genome assembled using both short and long nucleotide sequence reads is currently the largest known mitogenome // BMC genomics. — 2020. — Vol.21, № 1. — P. 1-12. DOI 10.1186/s12864–020-07061-4 [Q2]
- A A Horoshavina, K O Tutsenko, V A Abramov, M E Tunik, D V Pokhabov and M G Sadovsky Novel smart data analysis technologies to differentiate Parkinson's disease from essential tremor // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2020. — Vol.1679. — Art. 42005. DOI 10.1088/1742–6596/1679/4/042005
- K O Tutsenko, A A Horoshavina, V A Abramov, E A Karlova and M G Sadovsky Diagnostics of Parkinson's disease by positron-emission tomography with 18F-DOPA: new approach based on smart clustering // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2020. — Vol.1679. — Art. 42006. DOI 10.1088/1742–6596/1679/4/042006
- M G Sadovsky, A A Feller, E A Martynova, D V Chernyaev, E V Semenov, E V Slepov and R A Zukov CBC effectively stratifies the patients with different types of malignant tumors // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2020. — Vol.1679. — Art. 42019. DOI 10.1088/1742–6596/1679/4/042019
- E A Gorbunova, N N Medvedeva, R A Zukov and M G Sadovsky Advanced nonlinear statistics reveals the relations between anthropometry and bioimpedance of physique in post-surgery complications of the patients with gastric cancer // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2020. — Vol.1679. — Art. 42018. DOI 10.1088/1742–6596/1679/4/042018
- Erunova M. G., Yakubailik O. E., Sadovsky M. G. Annual temperature variation reliably identifies different sites in a large water basin // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. — 2020. — Vol.862, № 6. — Art. 062060. DOI 10.1088/1757–899X/862/6/062060
- Erunova M. G., Sadovsky M. G. An interplay of annual temperature variation and NDVI figures in clustering of small watersheds // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. — 2020. — Vol.548. — Art. 032022. DOI 10.1088/1755–1315/548/3/032022
- Абрамов В. Г., Хорошавина А. А., Туценко К. О., Садовский М. Г., Карлова Е. А., Похабов Д. В. Об определении нормы показателей ПЭТ-обследования головного мозга с 18F-DOPA (по данным здоровых лиц). // Доктор.Ру. — 2020. — Вып.19, № 9. — C. 13-19. DOI 10.31550/1727–2378-2020-19-9–13–19
- V. Roslavtceva, E. Bushmelev, P. Astanin, T. Zabrodskaya, A. Salmina, S. Prokopenko, V. Laptenkova, M. Sadovsky Blood Plasma Trophic Growth Factors Predict the Outcome in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke // LNBI. — 2020. — Vol.12108. — P. 27-39. DOI 10.1007/978-3-030–45385-5_3
- T. Guseva, V. Biriukov, M. Sadovsky Role of Homeobox Genes in the Development of Pinus sylvestris // LNBI. — 2020. — Vol.12108. — P. 429–437. DOI 10.1007/978-3-030–45385-5_38
- V. Fedotovskaya, Yu. Putintseva, T. Shpagina, A. Kolesnikova, M. Sadovsky Function vs. Taxonomy: Further Reading from Fungal Mitochondrial ATP Synthases // LNBI. — 2020. — Vol.12108. — P. 438–444. DOI 10.1007/978-3-030–45385-5_39
- Похабов Д. В., Похабов Д. Д., Абрамов В. Г., Туник М. Е., Туценко К. О., Хорошавина А. А., Садовский М. Г. Новый подход в дифференциальной диагностике больных с болезнью Паркинсона и с эссенциальным тремором // Журнал неврологии и психиатрии им. С. С. Корсакова. — 2020. — Vol.120, № 12. — P. 7-13. DOI 10.17116/jnevro202012011217
- M. G. Erunova, O. E. Yakubailik, M. G. Sadovsky Annual temperature variation reliably identifies different sites in a large water basin // IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science. — 2020. — Vol.862. — Art. 62060. DOI 10.1088/1757–899X/862/6/062060
- Sadovsky M. G., Mutovina O. A. Transposons in chloroplast genomes are distributed inhomogeneously among gymnosperms and angiosperms // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2020. — Vol.1679, № 3. — Art. 032095. DOI 10.1088/1742–6596/1679/3/032095
- Похабов Д. Д., Туник М. Е., Абрамов В. Г., Туценко К. О., Хорошавина А. А., Садовский М. Г., Похабов Д. В. Определение пороговой чувствительности обонятельного восприятия у больных экстрапирамидными заболеваниями // Сибирское медицинское обозрение. — 2020. — Вып.2. — С. 58-66. DOI 10.20333/2500136–2020-2–58–66
- Арутюнян А. Г., Туник М. Е., Абрамов В. Г., Туценко К. О., Хорошавина А. А., Похабов Д. В., Садовский М. Г. Новые подходы к лечению и профилактике спастичности у больных в остром периоде очаговых поражений головного мозга с использованием ботулинического токсина типа А // Сибирское медицинское обозрение. — 2020. — Вып.4. — С. 84-91. DOI 10.20333/2500136–2020-4–84–91
- Yakubailik O. E., Yakubailik T. V. Analysis of accumulated precipitation based on information from weather stations // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. — 2020. — Vol.548, № 3. — Art. 32020. DOI 10.1088/1755–1315/548/3/032020
- Yakubailik O. E., Yakubailik T. V. Analysis of accumulated precipitation based on satellite data in Central Siberia // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. — 2020. — Vol.548, № 3. — Art. 32025. DOI 10.1088/1755–1315/548/3/032025
- Erunova M. G., Yakubailik O. E., Yakubaylik T. V. Analysis of the temperature regime of basin geosystems of the Krasnoyarsk Territory using MODIS satellite images and ground-based data // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. — 2020. — Vol.862, № 5. — Art. 52026. DOI 10.1088/1757–899X/862/5/052026
- Kaptsov O. V., Kaptsov D. O. Exact Solution of Boussinesq equations for propagation of nonlinear waves // The European Physical Journal Plus. — 2020. — Vol.135. — Art. 723. DOI 10.1140/epjp/s13360–020-00729-6 [Q1]
- Капцов О. В., Капцов Д. О. Взаимодействие солитонов в интегрируемой модели Буссинеска // Сборник тезисов докладов VII Всероссийской конференции «Задачи со свободными границами: теория, эксперимент и приложения». — 2020. — С.112–113.
- Kaptsov O. V., Kaptsov D. O. Iterations and groups of formal transformations // arXiv:2008.08429