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Отчет ИВМ СО РАН за 2020 год

Список публикаций

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Публикации Web of Science (116)

  1. Chernykh G. G., Demenkov A. G., Kaptsov O. V., Schmidt A. V. On mathematical modeling of swirling turbulent wakes with varied total excess momentum and angular momentum // Journal of Engineering Thermophys. — 2020. — Vol.29, № 2. — P. 223–233. DOI 10.1134/S1810232820020046 [Q4]
  2. Shmidt A. V. Similarity in the far swirling momentumless turbulent wake // Journal of Siberian Federal University. Mathematics & Physics. — 2020. — Vol.13, № 1. — P. 79-86. DOI 10.17516/1997–1397-2020-13-1–79–86
  3. Kaptsov O. V. Ideals Generated by Differential Equations // Journal of Siberian Federal University. Mathematics & Physics. — 2020. — Vol.13, № 2. — P. 170–186. DOI 10.17516/1997–1397-2020-13-2-170–186
  4. Kaptsov O. V., Kaptsov D. O. Exact Solution of Boussinesq equations for propagation of nonlinear waves // The European Physical Journal Plus. — 2020. — Vol.135. — Art. 723. DOI 10.1140/epjp/s13360–020-00729-6 [Q1]
  5. Karepova E. D., Adaev I. R., Shan'ko Yu.V. Accuracy of Symmetric Multi-Step Methods for the Numerical Modelling of Satellite Motion // Journal of Siberian Federal University. Mathematics & Physics. — 2020. — Vol.13, № 6. — P. 781–791. DOI 10.17516/1997–1397-2020-13-6-781–791
  6. E. Karepova, Yu. Shan'ko, V. Derevyanko, D. Nesterov The Determination of Heat Dissipation Power of the Components of an Electronic Unit from the Readings of the Built-in Temperature Sensor System // AIP Conference Proceedings. — 2020. — Vol.2302, № 1. — Art. 120007. DOI 10.1063/5.0033665
  7. Molyavko A., Shaidurov V., Karepova E., Sadovsky M. Highly Parallel Convolution Method to Compare DNA Sequences with Enforced In. Del and Mutation Tolerance // Lecture Notes in Computer Science. — 2020. — Vol.12108. — P. 472–481. DOI 10.1007/978-3-030–45385-5_42
  8. Belolipetskii V. M., Genova S. N. On Application of Prandtl-Obukhov Formula in the Numerical Model of the Turbulent Layer Depth Dynamics // Journal of Siberian Federal University. Mathematics & Physics. — 2020. — Vol.13, № 1. — P. 37-47. DOI 10.17516/1997–1397-2020-13-1–37–47
  9. Shaydurov V., Zhang S., Kornienko V. Approximations of two-dimensional Mean Field Games with nonsymmetric controls // Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. — 2020. — Vol.367. — Art. 112461. DOI 10.1016/j.cam.2019.112461 [Q1]
  10. V. Shaydurov, V. Kornienko, S. Zhang The Euler-Lagrange Approximation of the Mean Field Game for the Planning Problem // Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. — 2020. — Vol.41, № 12. — P. 2703–2714. DOI 10.1134/S1995080220120380
  11. Victoria S. Kornienko, Vladimir V. Shaydurov A finite-difference solution of Mean Field problem with a predefined control resource // AIP Conference Proceedings. — 2020. — Vol.2302, № 1. — Art. 110004. DOI 10.1063/5.0033646
  12. Vladimir Shaydurov, Shuhua Zhang, Victoria Kornienko A finite-difference solution of Mean Field problem with the fractional derivative for subdiffusion // AIP Conference Proceedings. — 2020. — Vol.2302, № 1. — Art. 020001. DOI 10.1063/5.0033606
  13. Zakhvataev V. E., Kompaniets L. A. Delocalization of Longitudinal Acoustic-like Excitations in DNA Due to Structural Effects // JETP Letters. — 2020. — Vol.112, № 7. — P. 444–451. DOI 10.1134/S0021364020190030 [Q3]
  14. Levykin A. I., Novikov A. E., Novikov E. A. Schemes of (m, k)-Type for Solving Differential-Algebraic and Stiff Systems // Numerical Analysis and Applications. — 2020. — Vol.13. — P. 34-44. DOI 10.1134/S1995423920010036
  15. M. Sadovsky, M. Senashova, A. Malyshev Amazing symmetrical clustering in chloroplast genomes // BMC Bioinformatics. — 2020. — Vol.21, № 2. — P. 1-14. DOI 10.1186/s12859–020-3350-z [Q1]
  16. Y. A. Putintseva, E. I. Bondar, E. P. Simonov, V. V. Sharov, N. V. Oreshkova, D. A. Kuzmin, Y. M. Konstantinov, V. N. Shmakov, V. I. Belkov, M. G. Sadovsky, O. Keech and K. V. Krutovsky Siberian larch (Larix sibirica Ledeb.) mitochondrial genome assembled using both short and long nucleotide sequence reads is currently the largest known mitogenome // BMC genomics. — 2020. — Vol.21, № 1. — P. 1-12. DOI 10.1186/s12864–020-07061-4 [Q2]
  17. M. Yu. Senashova, I. K. Gorban, M. Sadovsky Towards the structuredness of non-coding regions of chloroplast genomes // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2020. — Vol.1679. — Art. 42004. DOI 10.1088/1742–6596/1679/4/042004
  18. A A Horoshavina, K O Tutsenko, V A Abramov, M E Tunik, D V Pokhabov and M G Sadovsky Novel smart data analysis technologies to differentiate Parkinson's disease from essential tremor // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2020. — Vol.1679. — Art. 42005. DOI 10.1088/1742–6596/1679/4/042005
  19. K O Tutsenko, A A Horoshavina, V A Abramov, E A Karlova and M G Sadovsky Diagnostics of Parkinson's disease by positron-emission tomography with 18F-DOPA: new approach based on smart clustering // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2020. — Vol.1679. — Art. 42006. DOI 10.1088/1742–6596/1679/4/042006
  20. M G Sadovsky, A A Feller, E A Martynova, D V Chernyaev, E V Semenov, E V Slepov and R A Zukov CBC effectively stratifies the patients with different types of malignant tumors // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2020. — Vol.1679. — Art. 42019. DOI 10.1088/1742–6596/1679/4/042019
  21. E A Gorbunova, N N Medvedeva, R A Zukov and M G Sadovsky Advanced nonlinear statistics reveals the relations between anthropometry and bioimpedance of physique in post-surgery complications of the patients with gastric cancer // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2020. — Vol.1679. — Art. 42018. DOI 10.1088/1742–6596/1679/4/042018
  22. Yakubailik O. E., Yakubailik T. V. Analysis of accumulated precipitation based on information from weather stations // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. — 2020. — Vol.548, № 3. — Art. 32020. DOI 10.1088/1755–1315/548/3/032020
  23. Yakubailik O. E., Yakubailik T. V. Analysis of accumulated precipitation based on satellite data in Central Siberia // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. — 2020. — Vol.548, № 3. — Art. 32025. DOI 10.1088/1755–1315/548/3/032025
  24. Erunova M. G., Yakubailik O. E., Yakubaylik T. V. Analysis of the temperature regime of basin geosystems of the Krasnoyarsk Territory using MODIS satellite images and ground-based data // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. — 2020. — Vol.862, № 5. — Art. 52026. DOI 10.1088/1757–899X/862/5/052026
  25. Gileva L., Shaidurov V., Efremov A. The Numerical Method for Solving the Problem of Pricing the American Put-option // AIP Conference Proceedings. — 2020. — Vol.2302, № 1. — Art. 110002. DOI 10.1063/5.0033522
  26. Zahari Zlatev, Pasqua D'Ambra, Istvan Farago, Vladimir Shaydurov, Lubin Vulkov Advanced numerical methods for complex scientific and engineering problems: Editorial introduction // Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. — 2020. — Vol.372. — Art. 112596. DOI 10.1016/j.cam.2019.112596 [Q1]
  27. A. V. Vyatkin, E. V. Kuchunova, M. V. Yakubovich, E. A. Efimov Combination of Semi-Lagrangian Approach and Finite Element Method for Navier-Stokes Equations // AIP Conference Proceedings. — 2020. — Vol.2293. — Art. 420057. DOI 10.1063/5.0026942
  28. Fedotova A. S., Makarskaya G. V., Tarskikh S. V. Turitsina E. G., Kolesnikov V. A. An impact of low doses radiation on the kinetics of reactive oxygen species generation in sheep peripheral blood // IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science . — 2020. — Vol.421, № 5. — Art. 052016. DOI 10.1088/1755–1315/421/5/052016
  29. Gerasimova L. A., Eremina, I. Yu., Makarskaya G. V., Kuklina A. I. Analysis of some chemical indicators of soils of industrial-oil-polluted territories // IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering . — 2020. — Vol.862, № 6. — Art. 062012. DOI 10.1088/1757–899X/862/6/062012
  30. Andrianova A. V. Assessment of the ecological state of the Boguchany reservoir by zoobenthos organisms // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. — 2020. — Vol.548, № 7. — Art. 072054. DOI 10.1088/1755–1315/548/7/072054
  31. Shaparev N., Tokarev A., Yakubailik O. The state of the atmosphere in the city of Krasnoyarsk (Russia) in indicators of sustainable development // International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology. — 2020. — Vol.27, № 4. — P. 349–357. DOI 10.1080/13504509.2019.1699879 [Q2]
  32. Gosteva A. A., Yakubailik O. E., Shaparev N. Y. Wildfires and the spread of smoke from forest fires in the Krasnoyarsk territory in summer 2019 // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. — 2020. — Vol.862, № 6. — Art. 062057. DOI 10.1088/1757–899X/862/6/062057
  33. Bondarenko E. V., Gosteva A. A., Shaparev N. Y. Thermal bar studies in the Krasnoyarsk Reservoir based on remote sensing datasets // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. — 2020. — Vol.862, № 5. — Art. 052039. DOI 10.1088/1757–899X/862/5/052039
  34. Tokarev A. V., Shaparev N. Ya. Assessment of air pollution trends in Krasnoyarsk using indicators of sustainable development // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. — 2020. — Vol.862, № 6. — Art. 062068. DOI 10.1088/1757–899X/862/6/062068
  35. Tokarev A. V., Shaparev N. Ya. Assessment of the influence of weather conditions on the concentration of PM2.5 in the atmosphere of Krasnoyarsk // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. — 2020. — Vol.862, № 6. — Art. 062040. DOI 10.1088/1757–899X/862/6/062040
  36. Zavoruev V. V., Zavorueva E. N. Concentration of PM25 in the surface layer of the Krasnoyarsk atmosphere during the winter anticyclone // Proceedings of SPIE. — 2019. — Vol.11208. — Art. 112084J. DOI 10.1117/12.2540744
  37. Zavoruev V. V., Zavorueva E. N. Concentration of particulate matter in the surface layer of the atmosphere of the village of Drokino (Krasnoyarsk territory) // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. — 2020. — Vol.862, № 6. — Art. 062092. DOI 10.1088/1757–899X/862/6/062092
  38. Erunova M. G., Yakubailik O. E. Zoning of the territory on the basis of morphometric analysis of basin geosystems // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. — 2020. — Vol.421, № 6. — Art. 062039. DOI 10.1088/1755–1315/421/6/062039
  39. Erunova M. G., Yakubailik O. E. Monitoring of agricultural vegetation development based on time series analysis of satellite data // Proceedings of SPIE. — 2020. — Vol.11560. — Art. 1156054. DOI 10.1117/12.2575663
  40. Kadochnikov A. A., Yakubailik O. E. The FRC KSC SB RAS air monitoring system of Krasnoyarsk: technological tools and preliminary results // Proceedings of SPIE. — 2020. — Vol.11560. — Art. 1156053. DOI 10.1117/12.2575662
  41. Tokarev A. V., Shaparev N. Ya. Assessment of the atmosphere in the city of Krasnoyarsk based onindicators of sustainable development // Proceedings of SPIE. — 2020. — Vol.11560. — Art. 115602Q. DOI 10.1117/12.2573857
  42. Tokarev A. V., Shaparev N. Ya. The influence of weather conditions on the concentration of PM2.5 in the surface layer of the atmosphere of Krasnoyarsk // Proceedings of SPIE. — 2020. — Vol.11560. — Art. 115602P. DOI 10.1117/12.2573837
  43. Zavoruev V. V., Zavorueva E. N. Influence of Siberian forest fires smoke in July 2019 on the atmosphere pollution of Krasnoyarsk by particulate matter // Proceedings of SPIE. — 2020. — Vol.11560. — Art. 1156060. DOI 10.1117/12.2574734
  44. Zavorueva E. N., Zavoruev V. V. Verification of results of measurements of concentration of PM2,5 by Cityair air monitoring stations for autumn // Proceedings of SPIE. — 2020. — Vol.11560. — Art. 1156034. DOI 10.1117/12.2574740
  45. Dergunov A. V., Yakubailik O. E. Comparative analysis of data on air temperature based on current weather data sets for 2007–2019 // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. — 2020. — Vol.548, № 3. — Art. 032034. DOI 10.1088/1755–1315/548/3/032034
  46. Yakubailik O. E., Pavlichenko E. A., Romas'ko V.Y. Information and computing maintenance for the regional satellite operational monitoring system // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. — 2020. — Vol.862, № 2. — Art. 022058. DOI 10.1088/1757–899X/862/2/022058
  47. Erunova M. G., Yakubailik O. E., Sadovsky M. G. Annual temperature variation reliably identifies different sites in a large water basin // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. — 2020. — Vol.862, № 6. — Art. 062060. DOI 10.1088/1757–899X/862/6/062060
  48. Erunova M. G., Sadovsky M. G. An interplay of annual temperature variation and NDVI figures in clustering of small watersheds // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. — 2020. — Vol.548. — Art. 032022. DOI 10.1088/1755–1315/548/3/032022
  49. Tokarev A. V., Shaparev N. Ya. Assessment of the influence of individual pollutants on the air quality index in Krasnoyarsk // Proceedings of SPIE. — 2019. — Vol.11208. — Art. 112082Y. DOI 10.1117/12.2539111
  50. Shaparev N. Ya. Radiative processes role in the thermal regime of a river // Proceedings of SPIE. — 2019. — Vol.11208. — Art. 1120802. DOI 10.1117/12.2538261
  51. Zavorueva E. N., Zavoruev V. V. The influence of climatic factors on the concentration of particulate matter in the atmosphere of Drokino and Minino villages (Krasnoyarsk krai) during the heating season // Proceedings of SPIE. — 2019. — Vol.11208. — Art. 112084H. DOI 10.1117/12.2540734
  52. Tokarev A. V., Shaparev N. Ya., Yakubailik O. E. Air quality index in Krasnoyarsk (Russia) for 2018–2019 // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2020. — Vol.1499. — Art. 012052. DOI 10.1088/1742–6596/1499/1/012052
  53. Zavorueva E. N., Zavoruev V. V. Inhomogeneous pollution by particulate matter of the atmospheric surface layer of the Oktyabrsky district of the city of Krasnoyarsk in 2019 // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. — 2020. — Vol.862, № 6. — Art. 062097. DOI 10.1088/1757–899X/862/6/062097
  54. Kadochnikov A. A., Yakubailik O. E. Technologies and software for the regional catalog of Russian spacecraft satellite data // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. — 2020. — Vol.862, № 2. — Art. 022061. DOI 10.1088/1757–899X/862/2/022061
  55. Sadovskii V. M. Thermodynamic Consistency and Mathematical Well-Posedness in the Theory of Elastoplastic, Granular, and Porous Materials // Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics. — 2020. — Vol.60, № 4. — P. 723–736. DOI 10.1134/S0965542520040156 [Q4]
  56. Sadovskii V. M., Guzev M. A., Sadovskaya O. V., Qi Ch. Modeling of Plastic Deformation Based on the Theory of an Orthotropic Cosserat Continuum // Physical Mesomechanics. — 2020. — Vol.23, № 3. — P. 223–230. DOI 10.1134/S1029959920030066 [Q3]
  57. Lukzen N. N., Ivanov K. L., Sadovsky V. M., Sagdeev R. Z. Magnetic field effect on recombination of radicals diffusing on a two-dimensional plane // Journal of Chemical Physics. — 2020. — Vol.152, № 3. — Art. 034103. DOI 10.1063/1.5131583 [Q2]
  58. Sadovskii V. M., Sadovskaya O. V. Variational Inequalities in the Dynamics of Elastic-Plastic Media: Thermodynamic Consistency, Mathematical Correctness, Numerical Implementation // Continuum Mechanics, Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing: Godunov's Legacy (Eds.: Demidenko G. V., Romenski E., Toro E., Dumbser M.). Cham: Springer. — 2020. — P. 329–335. DOI 10.1007/978-3-030–38870-6_43
  59. Sadovskii V. M., Sadovskaya O. V., Efimov E. A. Finite Difference Schemes for Modelling the Propagation of Axisymmetric Elastic Longitudinal Waves // Journal of Siberian Federal University: Mathematics & Physics. — 2020. — Vol.13, № 5. — P. 644–654. DOI 10.17516/1997–1397-2020-13-5-644–654
  60. Kireev I. V. Orthogonal Projectors and Systems of Linear Algebraic Equations // Numerical Analysis and Applications. — 2020. — Vol.13, № 3. — P. 262–270. DOI 10.1134/S1995423920030064
  61. Varygina M. Numerical modeling of elastic waves in micropolar plates and shells taking into account inertial characteristics // Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics. — 2020. — Vol.32, № 3. — P. 761–774. DOI 10.1007/s00161–018-0725-8 [Q2]
  62. Varygina M. Numerical Modeling of Wave Processes in Block Medium with Fractured Interlayers // AIP Conference Proceedings. — 2020. — Vol.2293, № 1. — Art. 420055. DOI 10.1063/5.0027742
  63. Petrakov I. E., Sadovskii V. M. Mathematical Modeling of Plane Stress State of a Multilayer Fibrous Composite, Differently Resistant to Tension and Compression // AIP Conference Proceedings. — 2020. — Vol.2302, № 1. — Art. 090003. DOI 10.1063/5.0034278
  64. Smolekho I. V., Sadovskii V. M., Sadovskaya O. V., Kireev I. V. Accounting for Singularities of the Electric Field Acting on a Liquid Crystal // AIP Conference Proceedings. — 2020. — Vol.2302, № 1. — Art. 090004. DOI 10.1063/5.0033515
  65. Varygina M. P. Numerical Modeling of Wave Propagation in Multilayered Micropolar Cylinder Shells // AIP Conference Proceedings. — 2020. — Vol.2302, № 1. — Art. 090005. DOI 10.1063/5.0033510
  66. Efimov E. A., Sadovskii V. M., Sadovskaya O. V. Mathematical Modeling of the Impact of a Pulse Seismic Source on Geological Media // AIP Conference Proceedings. — 2020. — Vol.2302, № 1. — Art. 120002. DOI 10.1063/5.0033576
  67. Bekezhanova V. B., Goncharova O. N. Impact of Gravity on the Flow Pattern in a Locally Heated Two-Layer System // Microgravity Science and Technology. — 2020. — Vol.32, № 2. — P. 229–243. DOI 10.1007/s12217–019-09777-9 [Q2]
  68. Bekezhanova V. B., Goncharova O. N. Analysis of Characteristics of Two-Layer Convective Flows with Diffusive Type Evaporation Based on Exact Solutions // Microgravity Science and Technology. — 2020. — Vol.32, № 2. — P. 139–154. DOI 10.1007/s12217–019-09764-0 [Q2]
  69. Bekezhanova V. B., Goncharova O. N. Influence of the Dufour and Soret effects on the characteristics of evaporating liquid flows // International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. — 2020. — Vol.154. — Art. 119696. DOI 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2020.119696 [Q1]
  70. Bekezhanova V. B., Goncharova O. N. Numerical study of the evaporative convection regimes in a three-dimensional channel for different types of liquid-phase coolant // International Journal of Thermal Sciences. — 2020. — Vol.156. — Art. 106491. DOI 10.1016/j.ijthermalsci.2020.106491 [Q1]
  71. Bekezhanova V. B., Fliagin V. M., Goncharova O. N., Ivanova N. A., Klyuev D. S. Thermocapillary deformations of a two-layer system of liquids under laser beam heating // International Journal of Multiphase Flow. — 2020. — Vol.132. — Art. 103429. DOI 10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2020.103429 [Q1]
  72. Andreev V. K., Sobachkina N. L. Rotationally-axisymmetric motion of a binary mixture with a flat free boundary at small Marangoni number // Journal of Siberian Federal University. Mathematics & Physics. — 2020. — Vol.13, № 2. — P. 197–212. DOI 10.17516/1997–1397-2020-13-2-197–212
  73. Andreev V. K. On a Creeping 3D Convective Motion of Fluids with an Isothermal Interface // Journal of Siberian Federal University. Mathematics & Physics. — 2020. — Vol.13, № 6. — P. 661–669. DOI 10.17516/1997–1397-2020-13-6-661–669
  74. Andreev V. K., Lemeshkova E.N Two-dimensional Stationary Thermocapillary Flow of Two Liquids in a Plane Channel // Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics. — 2020. — Vol.60, № 5. — P. 844–852. DOI 10.1134/S0965542520050036 [Q4]
  75. Lemeshkova E. N. Layered Motion of Two Immiscible Liquids with a Free Boundary // Journal of Siberian Federal University. Mathematics & Physics. — 2020. — Vol.13, № 5. — P. 574–582. DOI 10.17516/1997–1397-2020-13-5-574–582
  76. Andreev V. K., Lemeshkova E.N Influence of the interface internal energy on monotone disturbances of a creeping stationary flow with a velocity field of the Hiemenz type // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2020. — Art. 1679. DOI 10.1088/1742–6596/1679/2/022047
  77. Andreev V. K., Magdenko E. P. On the Asymptotic Behavior of the Conjugate Problem Describing a Creeping Axisymmetric Thermocapillary Motion // Journal of SFU. Mathematics and physics. — 2020. — Vol.13, № 1. — P. 26-36. DOI 10.17516/1997–1397-2020-13-1–26–36
  78. Stepanova I. V. On influence of geometrical parameters and flow rate on mass transfer through interface of two binary mixtures // Interfacial phenomena and heat transfer. — 2020. — Vol.8, № 4. — P. 273–290. DOI 10.1615/InterfacPhenomHeatTransfer.2020035410
  79. Senashov V. I. On Periodic Groups of Shunkov with the Chernikov Centralizers of Involutions // Bulletin of Irkutsk State University-Series Mathematics. — 2020. — Vol.32. — P. 101–117. DOI 10.26516/1997–7670.2020.32.101
  80. Bekezhanova V. B., Andreev V. K., Shefer I. A. Influence of heat defect on the characteristics of a two-layer flow with the Hiemenz-type velocity // Interfacial Phenomena and Heat Transfer. — 2019. — Vol.7, № 4. — P. 345–364. DOI 10.1615/InterfacPhenomHeatTransfer.2020032777
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