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Отчет ИВМ СО РАН за 1996 год

Список публикаций

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  1. Shaidurov V. V. Cascadic algorithm with nested subspaces in domains with curvilinear boundary // In: Advanced Mathematics, Computations and Applications. Eds: A. S. Alekseev, N. S. Bakhvalov. — NCC Publisher, 1995. — P. 588–595.
  2. Shaidurov V. V. Some Estimates of the Rate of Convergence for the Cascadic Conjugate — Gradient Method // Computers Math. Applic. — 1996. — Vol. 31. — № {4/5. — P. 161–171.
  3. Shaidurov V. V., Tobiska L. Special integration formulae for a convection — diffusion problem // East — West J. Numer. Math. — 1995. — Vol. 3. — № 4. — P. 281–299.
  4. Vorob'ov O. Yu. A random set analysis of fire spread // Fire Technology (USA), 1996. — V. 32. — № 2. — C. 137–173.
  5. Vorob'ov O. Yu. Forest fire spread as a probabilistic modelling problem. // In: Fire in Ecosystems of Boreal Eurasia (Forestry Sciences, Volume 48), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996. — C. 271–276.
  6. Gavrilyuk A. P., Krasnov I. V., Shaparev N. Ya. Optical confinement of low-temperature plasma with resonant ions//JETP Lett., 1996. — Vol. 63, № 5. — P. 324–330.
  7. Erkaev N. V., Farrugia C. J., Biernat N. K. Effects on the Jovian magnetosheath arising from solar wind flow around nonaxisymmetric bodies // JGR, 1996. — Vol. 101. — № A5. — P. 10665–10672.
  8. Bykov V. I., Pushkareva T. P., Fadeev S. I. Parametric analysis of kinetic models. 11. Influence of the number of active sites // React. Kinet.Catal.Lett. — 1996. — V. 57. — № 1. — P. 133–140.
  9. Bykov V. I., Pushkareva T. P., Savchenko V. I. Parametric analysis of kinetic models. 12. Influence of the intensity of diffusion exchange // React. Kinet. Catal. Lett. — 1996. — V. 57. — № 1. — P. 141–146.
  10. Andreev V. K. Symmetrics of Euler Equations in Lagrangian Coordinates // J. Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, 1996. — Vol. 3. — № (1-27). — P. 196–201.
  11. Andreev V. K. Stability of Steady Motion of a Fluid Layer // Computational Fluid Dyn.'96 (ECCOMAS), Paris, 1996, Published Wiliey and Sons. — P. 308–311.
  12. Kaptsov O. V. Determining Equations and Differential Constraints // J. Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, 1995. — V. 2. — № (3-4). — P. 283–291.
  13. Belolipetsky V., Shokin Yu. I. Numerical modelling of stratified flows in well-drained basins // Russ. J. Numer. Anal. Math. Modelling, 1995. — V. 10. — № 5. — P. 393–405.
  14. Fedotova Z. I. Pashkova V. Yu. On the numerical modelling of the dynamics of weakly nonlinear waves with dispersion// Russ. J. Numer. Anal. Math. Modelling, 1995. — V. 10. — № 5. — P. 407–424.
  15. Kompaniets L. A. Analysis of difference algoritms for nonlinear dispersive shallow water models // Russian Journal of Numerical Anal. and Mathematical Modelling, 1996. — V. 11, — № 3. — P. 205–222.
  16. Fedotova Z. I., Karepova E. D. Variational principle for approximate models of wave hydrodynamics // Russian Journal of Numerical Anal. and Mathematical Modelling, 1996. — V. 11. — № 3. — P. 183–204.
  17. Andreev V. K. On the stability of non-stationary motion of the fluid with free surfaces // AMSE. Modelling Measurement and control, 1996. — B. vol. 63. — № 1. — P. 17-31.
  18. Kokcharov I. I. An estimation of reliability of unidirectional composites by catastrophe theory // Mechanics of composite materials, 1996. — № 4. — V. 32. — P. 539–548.
  19. Shchepanovskaya G. I. Using the models of exact partial solutions for the analysis of viscous resistance // Problems of space, time, gravitation. — St. Peterburg: Politechnika. — 1995. — P. 280–284.
  20. Shchepanovskii V. A., Shchepanovskaya G. I. Gas dynamic design of the exact three-dimensional solution for waveriders // Proceedings of International Aerospace Congress. — M.: The scientific technical company «Petrovka». — 1995. — V. 2. — P. 66-68.
  21. txt&zip   Gorban A. N.,, Karlin I. V. Scattering rates versus moments: Alternative Grad equations // Phys. Rev. E, 1996, 54(4), R3109.
  22. txt&zip   Gorban A. N.,, Karlin I. V. Short-Wave Limit of Hydrodynamics: A Soluble Example // Phys. Rev. Lett., 1996. — V. 77. — ¦ 2. — P. 282–285.
  23. Gorban A. N.,, Karlin I. V., Zmievskii V. B., Nonnenmacher T. F. Relaxational trajectories: global approximations // Physica A, 1996. — V. 231. — ¦ 4. — P. 648–672.
  24. Novikov E. A., Golushko M. I., Shitov Yu. A. The freeze of the Jacobi matrix in the (m, k) — methods of order three // AMSE Press. Advances in Modeling & Analysis, A, 1995. — V. 28. — № 1. — P. 41-64.
  25. Novikov E. A., Golushko M. I., Shitov Yu. A. Approximation of Jacobi matrix in the (m, k) — methods of order three // AMSE Press. Advances in Modeling & Analysis, A, 1995. — V. 28. — № 3. — P. 19-40.
  26. Novikov E. A., Novikova V. I., Shitov Yu. A. Accuracy and stability control of one-step methods // AMSE Press. Advances in Modeling & Analysis, A, 1995. — V. 28. — № 1. — P. 15-39.
  27. Novikov E. A., Golushko M. I. Integration algotithm of order four with Jacobi matrix freeze based on L — stable formula // AMSE Press. Advances in Modeling & Analysis, A, 1995. — V. 28. — № 3. — P. 41-63.
  28. Novikov E. A., Golushko M. I. (m, k)-methods of order five // AMSE Press. Advances in Modeling & Analysis, A, 1995. — V. 28. — № 2. — P. 43-64.
  29. Kireev I. V., Pyataev S. F. Solving the boundary value plate bending problem by a hybrid method on the basis of I. Babuska's approach // AMSE Press. Modelling, Measurement & Control, B, — 1995. — Vol 60. — № 1. — P. 37-46.
  30. Shevyrnogov A. P., Vysotskaya G. S., Gitelson J. I. Quasistationary areas of Chlorophyll concentration in the world ocean as abserved Satellite data // Adv. Space Res. (Great Britain). — 1996.- Vol. 18. — P. 129–132.
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