Уточнённые численные методы для задач конвекции-диффузии. (на англ. яз.). Том 1
Быкова Е. Г., Калпуш Т. В., Карепова Е. Д., Киреев И. В., Пятаев С. Ф., Рюде У., Шайдуров В. В.
Под ред. У. Рюде, В. В. Шайдурова. — Новосибирск: Изд-во Ин-та математики, 2001. — 252 с.
Книга на английском языке состоит из двух томов и содержит результаты, полученные в течение выполнения
проекта «Уточнённые численные методы для задач конвекции-диффузии» Фонда Фольксвагена.
Первый том посвящён результатам, касающимся проекционно-разностных методов аппроксимации уравнений конвекции-диффузии с преобладанием конвекции и проекционно-разностным методам повышенной точности для самосопряжённых эллиптических уравнений второго порядка.
Для специалистов по вычислительной математике.
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Скачать Часть 3 [pdf, 423 Kb, in english]
Скачать Часть 4 [pdf, 376 Kb, in english]
Скачать Часть 5 [pdf, 449 Kb, in english]
Скачать Часть 6 [pdf, 498 Kb, in english]
Скачать Часть 7 [pdf, 373 Kb, in english]
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Часть 1.
Karepova E. D.,
Shaidurov V. V.
The finite element method for convection-diffusion convection-dominated problems
Introduction |
1 | One-dimensional convection-diffusion problem |
| 1.1 | The differential problem and its properties |
| 1.1.1 | Boundary layer |
| 1.1.2 | The asymptotic expansion of the solution |
| 1.1.3 | The estimates of the remainder term |
| 1.1.4 | The weak formulation. The Petrov-Galerkin method |
| 1.2 | The finite element method with a linear quadrature rule |
| 1.2.1 | Construction of the quadrature rule |
| 1.2.2 | Properties of the discrete problem |
| 1.2.3 | Convergence result |
| 1.3 | The finite element method with nonlinear quadrature rule |
| 1.3.1 | Construction of the quadrature rule |
| 1.3.2 | Properties of the discrete problem |
| 1.3.3 | Convergence theorem |
2 | Two-dimensional convection-diffusion problem |
| 2.1 | General remarks |
| 2.1.1 | Qualitative behaviour of the solution |
| 2.1.2 | The weak formulation |
| 2.2 | The scheme with the fitted quadrature rule for a problem without parabolic boundary layers |
| 2.2.1 | The differential problem |
| 2.2.2 | Construction of the quadrature rule |
| 2.2.3 | Properties of the discrete problem. The convergence result |
| 2.3 | Construction of the method for the problem with regular and parabolic boundary layers |
| 2.3.1 | Properties of the differential problem |
| 2.3.2 | Construction of the fitted quadrature rule |
| 2.3.3 | The properties of the discrete problem |
3 | Numerical solution of the discrete problem |
| 3.1 | Numerical experiments in the one-dimensional case |
| 3.2 | Test example in the two-dimensional case |
| 3.3 | The grids |
| 3.4 | Methods for solving the discrete problem |
| 3.5 | Discussion of the numerical results |
References |
Часть 2.
Pyataev S. F.
Triangulation of two-dimensional multiply connected domain with concentration and rarefection of grid
Introduction |
1 | Some recommendations on choice of the function of steps |
2 | Fragmentation of the boundary of multiply connected domain |
3 | Triangulation of a domain |
4 | Conclusion |
5 | Appendix 1 |
6 | Appendix 2 |
7 | Appendix 3 |
8 | Appendix 4 |
9 | Appendix 5 |
10 | Appendix 6 |
11 | Appendix 7 |
12 | Appendix 8 |
References |
Часть 3.
Kireev I. V.,
Pyataev S. F.,
Shaidurov V. V.
A batch of applied programs for numerical solution of convection-diffusion boundary-value problem
Introduction |
1 | An algorithm of determination of partial derivatives |
2 | Construction of a sequence of embedded grids |
3 | Program realization of the algorithm |
Часть 4.
Kalpush T. V.,
Shaidurov V. V.
A difference scheme for convection-diffusion problem on the oriented grid
Introduction |
1 | The difference problem statement |
2 | The difference approximation of convective item on an arbitrary trianqular stencil |
3 | Construction of inverse-monotone second-order finite-difference scheme |
4 | The algorithm for the orientation strengthening of the difference grid |
5 | The numerical experiment |
References |
Часть 5.
Bykova E. G., Shaidurov V. V.
A two-dimensional nonuniform difference scheme with higher order of accuracy
Introduction |
1 | Boundary-value problem and its nonuniform difference approximation |
2 | Stability and solvability of the grid problem |
3 | Convergence of the nonuniform difference scheme |
4 | Numerical examples |
References |
Часть 6.
Bykova E. G.,
Shaidurov V. V.
A nonuniform difference scheme with fourth order of accuracy in a domain with smooth boundary
Introduction |
1 | Boundary-value problem |
2 | Construction of the difference grid and classification of its nodes |
3 | Interpolation formula |
4 | Construction of difference approximation |
5 | Stability, solvability and convergence of the grid problem |
6 | Numerical examples |
References |
Часть 7.
Bykova E. G.,
Rude U.,
Shaidurov V. V.
Experimental analysis of fourth-order schemes for Poisson's equations
Introduction |
1 | Formulation of the differential problems |
2 | Tested methods |
| 2.1 | Five-point scheme and Richardson extrapolation |
| 2.2 | Nonhomogeneous Bykova-Shaidurov scheme |
| 2.3 | Khoromskij combination |
| 2.4 | Nine-point box scheme |
3 | Two ways to compare the computational cost |
References |